Artículos y Estudios en Inglés

Desde aquí se pueden consultar artículos y estudios varios relativos al Síndrome de Noonan en inglés.

1.- A Review of Psychological, Social, and Behavioral Functions in the RASopathies
American Academy of Pediatric Neuropsychology 2020

2.- Affective Functioning and Social cognition in Noonan Syndrome
Cambridge University Press 2011

3.- Alexithymia, Emotion Perception, and Social Assertiveness in Adult Women with Noonan and Turner Syndromes
American Journal of Medical Genetics

4.- Anaesthesia for Emergency ventriculo-peritoneal shunt in an Adolescent with Noonan Syndrome
Tanvir Samra and Neerja Banerjee – Treatment of hydrocephalus: Challenges and the way ahead

5.- Anaesthesia Recommendations for Patiens suffering from Noonan Syndrome
Orphan Anaesthesia – Sukhminder Jit Singh Bajwa Anaesthesiologist, Gian Sagar Medical College & Hospital, Ram Nagar, Banur, Punjab, India

6.- Anesthetic considerations and difficult airway management in a case of Noonan Syndrome
Sukhminder Jit Singh Bajwa – Sachin Gupta – Jasbir Kaur – Aparajita Panda – Sukhwinder Kaur Bajwa – Amarjit Singh – S. S. Parmar – Seema Prasad

7.- Anesthetic Management in a Pediatric Patient with Noonan Syndrome and Pulmonary stenosis: a case report
Maitreyee Mukherjee, MD – Debalpana Chanda, MD – Hospital Kolkata (India)

8.- Anesthetic Management of a Child With Noonan’s Syndrome and Idiopathic Hypertrophic Subaortic Stenosis
Nathan Schwartz – James B. Eisenkraft – Departments of Anesthesiology, Albert Einstein Medical Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and The Mount Sinai Medical Center, New York

9.- Autism Traits in the RASopathies
NIH Public Access. J Med Genet

10.- Brain and Behavior – 2016 – Roelofs – Intellectual Development in Noonan Syndrome a Longitudinal Study
Brain and Behavior published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc

11.- Cardiovascular Aspects of Noonan Syndrome
Noonan Syndrome Association

12.- Clinical features, diagnosis and management guidelines for those affected by Noonan syndrome
The Noonan Syndrome Support Group, Inc

13.- Clinical Manifestations of Noonan Syndrome
Medical Genetics and Pediatric Cardiology, Bambino Gesú Hospital, Rome

14.-Cognitive Functioning in Adults with Noonan Syndrome
Wingbermuhle, Ellen – Roelofs, R.L. – Burgt, I. van der – Verhoeven, W.M.A. – Kessels, R.P.C. – Egger, J.I.M. // Radboud University Nijmegen

15.- Defining Language Disorders in Children and Adolescents with Noonan Syndrome
Molecular Genetics & Genomic Medicine

16.- Delineation of dominant and recesive forms of LZTR1
Division of Pediatric Neurology, Children´s Hospital Orange County, University of California Irvine Medical Center, Orange, CA, United States

17.- Developmental and Neurological Features of Noonan Syndrome
Noonan Syndrome Association

18.- Education in NS 2004 Website
Noonan Syndrome Association

19.- Eye Features in Noonan Syndrome
Noonan Syndrome Association

20.- Feeding Problems in Noonan Syndrome
Noonan Syndrome Association – A summary written by Janet Lees, Research Speech Therapist as an aid to help parents

21.- Genotype Differences in Cognitive Functioning in Noonan Syndrome
American Journal of Medical Genetics

22.- Genotypic and phenotypic characterization of Noonan syndrome- New data and review of the literature
Journal compilation, 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd/International Behavioural and Neural Genetics Society

23.- Growth hormone therapy
International Journal of Pediatric Endicronology

24.- Growth in AS 2004 Website
Noonan Syndrome Association

25.- Growth in the Noonan Syndrome
Noonan Syndrome Association

26.- Hormonal Studies
Patrick Raynal, Hormonal Studies 2014 – Université Paul Sabatier-Toulouse-France

27.-Information for Teachers
Written by Sheila Laverick, (BA (Hons), ADV CERT REM ED

28.- Intellectual Development in Noonan Syndrome_A Longitudinal Study
Brain and Behavior published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc

29.- Learning behaviour in NS 2004 Website
Noonan Syndrome Association

30.- Management of Noonan Syndrome. A Clinical Guideline
DYSCERNE— Noonan Syndrome Guideline Development Group

31.- Neuropsychological and Behavioral Aspects of Noonan Syndrome
Neuropsychological and Behavioral Aspects of NS

32.- Neuropsychological Functioning in Individuals with Noonan Syndrome_A Systematic Literature Review with Educational and Treatment Recommendations
J Pediatr Neuropsychol

33.- Noonan Syndrome
Amy E Roberts, MD

34.- Noonan Syndrome II
Department of Medical Genetics, Sydney Children’s Hospital, Randwick, New South Wales, Australia

35.-Noonan syndrome and related disorders_Alterations in growth and puberty
Jacqueline A. Noonan

36.- Noonan Syndrome Clinical Management Guidelines
Noonan Syndrome Boys – Girls

37.- Noonan Syndrome: Clinical Features, Diagnosis, and Management Guidelines
Pediatrics – Official Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics

38.- Noonan Syndrome Lancet
Department of Cardiology and Division of Genetics, Children’s Hospital Boston, Boston, MA, USA (A E Roberts MD); Department of Genetics, Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario, Ottawa, ON, Canada (Prof J E Allanson MD); Dipartimento di Ematologia, Oncologia e Medicina Molecolare, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Rome, Italy (M Tartaglia PhD); and Child Health hand Development Institute, Departments of Pediatrics and Genetics & Genomic Sciences, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY, USA (Prof B D Gelb MD)

39.- Noonan syndrome- Psychological and psychiatric aspect
American Journal of Medical Genetics

40.- Physiotherapy in Noonan Syndrome
Written by Koki Patel BSc (Hons) RGN, ENB 405 – Edited by Prof M Patton 23/8/12

41.- Psychological profile of children with Noonan syndrome
Sub Department of Clinical Health Psychology, University College London

42.- Psychopathological features in Noonan syndrome
Official Journal of the European Paediatric Neurology Society

43.- Recognition Memory in Noonan Syndrome
Academic Editor: Pierluigi Zoccolotti

44.- Repeated General Anesthesia in a Patient With Noonan Syndrome
Yoshinao Asahi – Ryosuke Fujii – Naoko Usui – Hajime Kagamiuchi – Shiro Omichi – Junichiro Kotani – Osaka, Japan

45.- Response to Growth Hormone Therapy in Children with Noonan Syndrome
International Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology

46.- Speech and Language Therapy in Noonan Syndrome
Written by Sue Lloyd RN Child Dip HE – Edited by Prof M Patton 23/8/12

47.-Successfully Anesthetic Management in a Rare Syndrome, Noonan Syndrome: Case Report
Journal of Anesthesia & Intensive Care Medicine

48.-The Efficacy and Safety of Growth Hormone Therapy in Children with Noonan Syndrome: A Review of the Evidence
Jacqueline A. Noonan – Anne-Marie Kappelgaard – Hormone Research in Pediatrics

49.- The face of Noonan syndrome_Does phenotype predict genotype
American Journal of Medical Genetics

50.- The Language Phenotype of Children and Adolescents With Noonan Syndrome
Elizabeth I. Pierpont – Susan Ellis Weismer – Amy E. Roberts – Erica Tworog-Dube – Mary Ella Pierpont – Nancy J. Mendelsohn – Mark S. Seidenberg

51.- The natural history of Noonan syndrome- a long‐term follow‐up study
A C Shaw, K Kalidas, A H Crosby, S Jeffery, M A Patton

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